Variance sought to ease Yukon Main Street parking congestion

Board of Adjustments will consider builder’s request at Monday night meeting

Tommy Crabtree

By Conrad Dudderar
Staff Writer

A Yukon builder is seeking a city code variance he says will help ease parking issues near a busy Main Street coffee shop.

The Yukon Board of Adjustments will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, May 2 inside the Centennial Building, 12 S 5th.

Members will consider a request from Davis Crabtree Properties LLC for four variances to City of Yukon’s code of ordinances for:

  • Off-street parking – To allow nine parking spaces for adjacent businesses and overflow parking when needed.
  • Front yard setback – 20 feet instead of 25 feet.
  • Rear setback – 5 feet instead of 10 feet.
  • Minimum lot frontage – 70 feet instead of 80 feet.

Applicant Tommy Crabtree wants to build a new 1,400 square foot, two-story home with a detached garage on vacant property at 24 S 8th in the Spencer Addition.

Crabtree, in a letter to Yukon city officials, shared plans for a three-bedroom home with detached three-car garage. The house will abut an alley behind the Redbird Coffee House, 812 W Main.

“We will add parking along the alley that can be used by employees and customers of the businesses on 8th and Main Street,” wrote Crabtree, president of Davis Crabtree Properties.

“This will free up some of the congestion on 8th Street” to aid in the parking situation, the applicant added.

This project will “have a very similar look” to the coffee shop and new offices with a courtyard that also back up to the alley, the builder explained in his letter.

“We are working to improve the aesthetics of the area,” Crabtree noted.

Yukon Board of Adjustments will decide on the variance requests at its Monday night meeting. Members are Chairman Joe Horn, Vice Chairman Sherry Huston, Buddy Carpenter, Mike McKee, and Rhonda Dennis.
